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The Benefits of Sharing Business Data

The concept of sharing in business typically means combining resources or space, but when applied to information, it can be transformative. Data is the primary driver of every business, from idea to execution. It must be shared in order for the company to move forward. Sharing facilitates an equal distribution of data across departments, with partners and even with external collaborators. This is all part of a new trend that is growing in popularity as companies explore the benefits of efficiently and securely sharing data resources.

Companies can share data in many ways – with other teams within the company, with partners or by offering direct access to data sets as an option. Sharing information across departments is one of the most efficient ways to improve productivity and foster innovation. It also helps break down siloed mindsets and miscommunications that can hinder collaboration.

Internally, sharing can lead to more precise reporting and analysis which improves communication and decision-making. It also reduces the need for redundant tasks, and optimizes the distribution of resources. For instance, if the analytics team has to spend long hours preparing reports or assisting customers they are unable to focus on other important projects that could have a greater impact on the organization.

Implementing sharing practices may also give companies a competitive edge in the marketplace. For example having access to industry data that is shared can help companies quickly spot market trends and pivot their strategies – usually before competitors become aware of them. This agility can lead to an increase in performance and lower risk.