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What is Cloud Gaming?

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Cloud gaming is a revolutionary technology that’s making waves in the video game world. Cloud gaming allows gamers to stream their games via a fast internet connection, rather than using local hardware like PC or console. It’s akin to Netflix(r) or Hulu(r) for video games, and it lets players play on devices they already own like a laptop, TV or tablet Android or Apple smartphone, Amazon Fire TV Stick(tm) or Google Chromecast(tm) device without the need to download the game or purchase an entirely new console or computer.

With a stable and speedy Internet connection with low latency and powerful servers gamers can enjoy high-end gaming on every device, regardless of hardware capabilities. This could change the gaming community by making gaming more accessible to players who might not have the means or desire to purchase a traditional gaming system.

Gaming on the cloud also opens up opportunities for publishers to earn money. Subscription-based services enable players to access a library for a monthly charge and generate regular cash flow and revenue. In addition, in-game purchases and digital storefronts help publishers increase the revenue generated by their core games.

Cloud-based game development can also improve collaboration between teams and create a more integrated workflow. Developers can make better games using central environments that permit code sharing, asset tracking, and real-time communication.